Decoding Life (Jude Currivan)
The complexity of the challenges facing humanity today can sometimes seem…
Integral Life Practice
Integral Life Practice (ILP) is a breakthrough program for evolving body, mind…
The Science and Consciousness of Remote Perception
With David Harker and Luigi Sciambarella. Live Webinar: 4 Thursdays; February…
On the Frontiers of Science with Rupert Sheldrake
Rupert Sheldrake is one of the most seminal thinkers of our time. Over the past…
Merry Musings – Bohm and Krishnamurti: Where Science Meets Spirituality
Over a period of twenty years, the quantum physicist David Bohm and spiritual…
Leading from the Field - 12 Principles for Energetic Stewardship
If we assume, as both the new scientists and ancient wisdom traditions tell us,…
Science and Consciousness of the World
Science and Consciousness of the World introduces you to the basics of applying…
Science and Consciousness of Self
The Science and Consciousness of Self program is an Integral approach to the…
Notes from the Wyrd Field - Science and Consciousness 2023
Between the 19th and 23rd of November 2023 we ran our annual Science and…