Our Purpose

To give people a direct experience of our interconnectedness with the world around us. We believe that remembering our interconnectedness with all life is at the heart of humanity successfully navigating through our current planetary transition.

What is PEAR

Over a period of 28 years, scientists at Princeton University’s engineering department, led by Professor Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunne, researched how human intention impacts the world around them, and other consciousness-related phenomena. It was triggered by findings that pilots in fighter aircraft seemed to influence the readouts of the sensitive instruments on their dashboards by their inner states. They proved beyond statistical doubt that human intention does indeed affect otherwise random events around us. They also showed how collective group experiences also influence randomness.

For most of their research they used something called a Random Event Generator which is essentially a digital coin-tosser that generates lots of 1s and 0s. They used graphic readouts on a computer screen to represent those 1s and 0s (e.g. a line on a screen that goes up with more 1s and down with more 0s). Test subjects had to try and influence the line without physically interacting with the computer (sometimes even from the other side of the world).

Other tools they used included a massive kind of vertical pinball machine, into which 9000 polystyrene balls were dropped. They called it “Murphy”. Normally they would distribute themselves evenly across the machine, but they found that people could influence that distribution with their intention. Murphy and other technologies they use are available to see and some to try out at the Wyrd Experience.

Discover Wyrd

At the Wyrd Experience you can see the original equipment that was used during 28 years of consciousness experiments at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) lab. You can also interact with some of the technology yourself, including trying to influence a robot to move around a table and effect the rhythm of a drum. You will be able to use the digital technology to play various games using your intention to try and impact events on the screen. What’s your Jedi score?

Here are short videos of some of the experiments as they were installed at the PEAR lab, introduced by Dr Brenda Dunne.

Fountain Experiment (PEAR)
Drum Experiment (PEAR)
Murphy Random Mechanical Cascade (PEAR)
Pendulum Experiment (PEAR)
Robot Experiment (PEAR)

Wyrd Experience is hosted at the beautiful Broughton Sanctuary nestled in England’s Yorkshire Dales.

You are welcome to visit on your own or with a group, by appointment.

Visit Wyrd

Wyrd Experience Group Offers

“Mind-blowing” (2024 visitor).

A Taste of Wyrd? 1 hour

Stretch people’s minds with this introduction to all things Wyrd at the world’s only interactive consciousness lab. In a session of an hour your group will experience the 28 year story of the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research lab, learn about the most recent consciousness research, and interact with mechanical and digital equipment using just your intention and attention. Have a direct experience of how manifestation works and the science behind it. 

£250 ex VAT for a group up to 12 

Visit Wyrd

It’s a Wyrd World (3 hours)

Dive down the rabbit hole of consciousness in this 3 hour workshop at the world’s only interactive consciousness lab. Experience the 28 year story of the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research lab, learn about the most recent consciousness research, interact with mechanical and digital equipment using just your intention and attention, and participate in a customised psychic experiment to show you the capacities you already have and explore how to enhance them. The combination of science and direct experience is guaranteed to rock people’s view of reality. All you need to bring is an open mind.

£750 ex VAT for a group up to 12

Visit Wyrd

Deep Wyrd (1 day)

Give your group a day they will never forget. This full-on deep dive into the wyrd will give people a direct experience of their interconnectedness with the world around us, backed up by 28 years of research at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research lab and more recent groundbreaking studies. It combines a nature immersion experience that shifts our state of consciousness, preparing us for interaction through our intention and attention with scientific equipment that reflect back to us our manifestation power. The day culminates in a customised psychic experience that reveals to us the potential we already have and points to how we can further develop these skills and qualities. For many this day will be the start of a journey of great discovery.

£1,500 ex VAT for a group up to 12 (excl. lunch)

Visit Wyrd

Why Wyrd?

Wyrd was the anglo-saxon concept for the interconnected field of all things. Like the eastern concept of ch’i. Yorkshire was in fact one of the places where it was most developed. Wyrd is indigenous to northwestern Europe and part of our mission is to reawaken Wyrd in our cultural awareness. Make Wyrd the norm!