Chief Scientific WyrdoDr Wolfhardt Janu and TeamWin Global Research Prize

Chief Scientific Wyrdo Dr Wolfhardt Janu and team have won the first Linda O’Bryant prize awarded by the Institute of Noetic Science for research that demonstrates how consciousness extends beyond the brain. We won with two others, out of 108 total applicants from 23 countries.

Wyrd Research will be using the prize money to continue our research into the interconnecting field of consciousness, using our twin-REG Research Devices. You can have a copy of the prize-winning proposal emailed to you through the form below. Others who contributed to the proposal include Dr Vicente Arraez, Dr Vasileios Basios, Dr Annette Grathoff, Dr Pierfrancesco Moretti and Dr Peter Merry.

How does it work?

Get your Free Copy of the Wyrd Research Prize-winning Proposal!

Dr Wolfhardt Janu on Wyrd Research into Group Experiences and the Moment of Death

Where Science meets Consciousness

Wyrd Research is committed to exploring the field of information and consciousness that we believe interconnects everything with scientific rigour and to making our findings easily understandable and accessible to the general public through Wyrd Education.

Watch a Video of Dr Jeff Dunne explaining some of the history of the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research laboratory, which has inspired Wyrd Research.

Research Proposals

See here a number of Wyrd Research proposals that we are looking for funding for. Please get in touch if you would like to support this groundbreaking work.

The impact of group ritual on the field of consciousness


Measuring a Plant’s Ability to Learn and Reproduce Music


Wyrd Links

A great initiative for people to share their experiences of synchronicities and other wyrd experiences.

Institute of Noetic Sciences – well-established organization supporting research and learning in all things wyrd.

Established by the PEAR Lab to continue their mission. Links to all the PEAR research papers and more.

Society for Psychical Research has a wealth of information about researchers and topics in all things Wyrd.

The Parapsychological Association is one of the most established global organisations researching and publishing on wyrd topics. 

The Galileo Commission connects academics from around the world to lobby for a more holistic worldview that supports the interconnectedness that wyrd represents.

Alef Trust is a global leader in transformative education and training in consciousness, transpersonal and spiritual psychology.​

Try It Out!

Do you conduct rituals, practices or shared tasks and activities with others? Perhaps you have a healing group or meditation class, spiritual collective or coven and would like a way to tangibly see if and when your combined workings affects the subtle field around you. 

Like us, you may too be fascinated by consciousness and how we share so much more – beyond our physical bodies – when we do our best work and play together. Working with a Wyrdoscope can help you pinpoint moments in time when the ‘magic happens’ aiding you and your group to refine and hone your participatory practices. A bit like how a choirmaster might note the times of greatest harmony in unified voices, the Wyrdoscope could indicate to you when you are operating at your peak.

Try It Out!

If you are not quite sure yet that you are wyrd enough to buy your very own Wyrdoscope, then you can borrow one from us for a while. The cost will depend on the length of the loan and shipping. Should you decide after trying it out that you really can’t do without your own, then we will discount the loan cost from your purchase price.

A Wyrd Researcher can generate a report from your event that you would own or you can choose to purchase the software package and do the analysis yourself.

Complete this form to receive a quote

We can help!

If you don’t trust your own wyrdness enough yet (or are simply too busy), you can ask our Wyrd Research team to look over the data you collected and write a report for you. They will take the data from your Wyrdoscope and the details of your event, and provide a report for you matching the two. See this example. This report would be owned by you to use as you like.

After ordering your report below, one of our wyrd researchers will be in touch by email.

Complete this form to receive a quote