Frequently Asked Questions

Please find below some of the questions people ask about the Wyrd technologies. Given that we are continually receiving new feedback and learning, we will be regularly updating this page. For further questions please contact

Wyrd Experience is bringing to light something quite extraordinary. Based on decades of international research, including 28 years of experiments run at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab, there is hard evidence that human intention and group experience impact random data streams through what has been coined “the consciousness field”. It’s not a field like one you would see hosting sheep or cows or flowers, rather it is an invisible, subtle one (more like gravitational or electromagnetic field but also distinctly different from these), in which we all interact.

That is, that in our presence, patterns emerge in what would otherwise be random… An analogy here would be to imagine you have static or white noise on an old TV and you start to see patterns within it, when you are paying attention to it – and then find these patterns are indeed, objectively there.  Essentially, this implies that humans, through consciousness, are able to influence probabilities (random data) through non-physical means. 

The Wyrd technologies are grounded in these substantial findings, extending the science into interactive products that allow you to directly experience, experiment, and play with this yourself!! 

See further down for more details on the science and technology.

Based on detecting human influence on random data streams (through a non-physical field of consciousness), we have created the Wyrd Light to interactively reflect or ‘showcase’ this effect. 

When random data samples within the Light’s technical core appear random, the Wyrd Light will not shine brightly. But as soon as your influence becomes statistically significant, it will begin to light up–without you touching it or otherwise interacting with it in any way. The stronger the effect, the brighter the light shines–and the lighting patterns and colours change, too. The colours are playfully assigned to different kinds of data structure (they don’t carry specific meanings),  showcasing the influence you are having. 

It’s like having a kind of real-time visual feedback as to your influence on the field of consciousness–enabling you to see the patterns you are making in that static or white noise on your old TV, shining out through beautiful colour and light. 

There is so much to discover about the power of our own thoughts and intentions in the field of consciousness–the Wyrd Light invites you to explore this on your own, through curiosity and direct experience. Play and interact with it. It’s fun! 

Jump in and try it out!! With the Wyrd Light, you get immediate feedback, so play with it! 

This is an ideal low-threshold experience to open a conversation and exploration about consciousness and our interconnectedness. Place it in your living room, meeting space, treatment room, conference room… anywhere you would like to notice changes in the field of consciousness. The limits are your imagination–it’s sure to spark conversation and engagement!

You might explore how individual and collective intention impact the Light… Can you entice it to turn a certain colour? What is it about your inner state that seems to have a greater or lesser effect? Can you notice any correlations between how you connect with it and its brightness? 

What happens when you think “at” it–does it go brighter or dimmer? How about when you try to connect more from your heart? What happens when you meditate? Do you see any change when someone else is in the room? When you interact with other people? Experiment and enjoy!!

Join the Wyrdo community here and share your experiences in the Wyrd Light Experiences group

Existing research has shown that the intensity of group experience and coherence of individuals’ intention impacts the random data. We have translated that impact into the relative brightness of the Wyrd Light. 

We have also identified certain structures in the data that we have reflected in the different colours of the Light. What we don’t know yet is what experiences actually generate those structures and therefore the different colours. This is where you come in and everyone else with a Wyrd Light. Together we can explore when the colours seem to show up for us and maybe discover some patterns that will reveal to us all a little more of this mysterious world of consciousness. 

Join the Wyrdo community here and share your experiences in the Wyrd Light Experiences group.

Research into the nature of consciousness and its ability to influence the natural world beyond the expectations of materialism has used random systems and processes since the early days of research into this domain.

At the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research lab, they worked with a single Random Event Generator (REG) and analysed the deviation of the data from the expected randomness. At Wyrd, we work with two REGs and analyse correlations between the two data streams.

PEAR demonstrated that human intention, and even group coherence, can have a measurable and statistically significant impact on the behavior of systems that would normally be considered independent, resulting in a decrease in entropy, i.e. randomness.  Although PEAR’s primary tool for data collection was the Random Event Generator (REG) – essentially an electronic coin flipper – because it provided the easiest and fastest mechanism for data collection, they demonstrated that these effects occurred regardless of the nature of the system, e.g. digital, mechanical, optical, thermal.

Near the end of the PEAR program, the original PEAR REG design was expanded on and made commercially accessible by a company called Psyleron. In the 2010’s, Wolfhardt Janu began exploring correlations between the data streams collected from two independent Psyleron REGs, and developed software to analyse the correlations between such streams collected during tantra rituals.

Wyrd built on Wolfhardt Janu’s twin REG technology and software with the Wyrdoscope, using TrueRNG’s technology (instead of the Psylerons – double-blind tested to check performance) and Wolfhardt Janu’s analysis software. Wyrd then developed the Wyrd Light, still using correlations between two random data streams, but this time generated by the TrueRNGs and held on an SD-card, with a pseudo-random process for selecting strings of the random data to analyse. The storage-based process was also double-blind tested and shown in other research to be no different than using a live REG. 

The equipment and library from PEAR are on indefinite loan to Wyrd Experience by the International Consciousness Research Laboratory (ICRL) to support their common mission of honouring and communicating PEAR’s findings, achievements, and the implications thereof.  ICRL, founded in 1996 by PEAR’s Dr. Robert Jahn and Dr. Brenda Dunne, continues to carry on the legacy of the PEAR program directly, extending its research and exploring how the findings can be applied to guide society towards a healthier future.

Both ICRL and Wyrd Experience aim to highlight the work of PEAR to provide a beacon that continually reminds humanity of the nature of our interconnectedness.

We understand and promote the concept of ‘wyrd’ to be symbolic of the interconnectedness of all life, of all awareness and meaning – of consciousness itself. We consider our direct mission to be active explorers and disseminators of insight and practical applications – of how such interconnectedness can support human and planetary flourishing, for both the individual and collective.

We stand for play. For curiosity and creativity, always. Our mission is a merging of art and science, all the faculties of the human underpinned by their inherent, natural ‘wyrdness’.

Therefore, as a consciousness experience, research and technology development organisation, we consider our ontological standpoint as post-materialist. We proffer that consciousness is ‘non-local’; this means it is not restricted to our individual biological bodies (nor can be reduced to a mere byproduct of the brain’s functioning as is often purported by materialist assumption). Rather, we believe there exists a shared ‘field’ of consciousness, in which we all interact and co-create reality. 

Our explorations span the history of human experience. From the ancient to the cutting-edge – drawing from Western indigenous wisdom and in advancing frontier research across multidisciplinary approaches. In both, we find that the esoteric and the empirical, support this view. 

Our research and technology bridges what is unseen and what can be seen. Essentially, we look at mind-matter interactions, often called ‘psychokinesis’ (PK). Under a materialist worldview, such interactions ‘should not’ be possible.

The real world applications for healing, growth, communication, creativity, unity, empathic decision making, ecological leadership – and so much more – are very much in our team’s hearts. This is why we develop new experiential activities, events and technologies and invite like-minded (and like-hearted) Wyrdos to get directly involved. We believe that remembering our interconnectedness with each other – and all life – is fundamental to humanity successfully navigating the current challenges to a world of natural abundance and peace. We are drawn to the mystery of who and what we really are, and are working in a space where science and spirituality meet.

Our devices help us to explore this mystery we call ‘consciousness’, in real time, and in practical ways with feedback we can measure, compare and contrast. It allows for exploration with scientific protocols and procedures in place. Equally, it allows us to be simply playful too! As such, our devices are grounded in both science (with abundant supporting quantitative data) and yet also uphold the experiential beauty and wonder of self-discovery and flourishing. Currently they include the Wyrdoscope and Wyrd Light.

We are all participating in a mystery. What we ‘know’ is that the more we explore and discover, we confirm what our ancients have always said – we are all one. The more we can find new applications for human capacities for growth, the more we can recognise the mystery of consciousness itself.

We make our technology based on our research findings – not with any ‘claim’ to explain or prove anything per se, rather to provide a toolkit for like-minded explorers, at differing levels and approaches to what is ostensibly a science of curiosity.

The data is generated by a quantum tunneling process. This means that nothing is able to affect it in the Newtonian physical world. This implies that the patterns that we do see are created outside the laws of Newtonian physics. We call this the consciousness field.

Currently we have two complementary devices – the Wyrdoscope(R) and the Wyrd Light(R).

They are both based on the same principles and research outcomes. They have different mechanisms in the electronics. Here is what this means:
Wyrdoscope: Contains two REGs that produce random data, in real time, whilst in operation.

The data analysis happens in real time, inside your Light as you use it.

The Light has been developed from an internal double blind study comparing the results from a Wyrdoscope with stored synchronously generated twin REG data.The devices ran in parallel, and no difference in significance and time precision could be found between these setups.This is at first sight a surprising result, yet had already found earlier in classical one REG based PSI research.[1-3] We implemented these findings in the Wyrd Light by using about 7 GB of two synchronously produced random strings containing only 1s and 0s stored on an SD card. A pseudo random algorithm is then choosing a 200 bit sample of the two strings, which are then interwoven through our patented algorithm to compute the results of the channels. In our research, this double randomness approach responded equally well to group coherence as live generated random data. The benefits are that it is more affordable, lighter, and requires far less space.
The Light offers real time ‘feedback’ in the form of changing colours and intensity of light.
The brightness intensity reflects the level of coherence and unified experience in the group. The colours reflect different structures manifesting in the random data, in real time.

An analogy we like is that the strings of random 1s and 0s – the ‘events’ (whether stored  and shuffled or produced in real time) are like two threads. It’s not the threads themselves that are of interest, it is the relationship between them that is being measured. Thus, it’s not the nature of how the threads are created, it’s the ‘weave’ that is manifesting or emerging, that gives rise to the ‘anomalous’ structures or as we like to say, synchronicities. These synchronicities are represented in either graphical forms (Wyrdoscope) or varying light (Light)… or both if you’d like!

Although we have so far primarily focused on researching the impacts of collective consciousness, there is much anecdotal evidence and theoretical expectation that the Light also responds to individual intention.

You can use Wyrd Light as part of that research. Explore how shifts in your inner state affect your Light. Share that with other Wyrdos in the community platform and see what conclusions you can draw.

This is not the observable starting point of the human experience, for example the beginning of a meditation or the opening a circle. It is rather the z-score or p-score in a channel, which only makes sense together with a starting point (SP). The SP is the segmentation that comes out of the data. 

Each data point (e.g. a peak in the data) has two properties – a height and a starting point. The time is the X-axis and the Y-axis is the height on a graph.

The SP is illustrated in the Wyrd software chart below the peaks graph. A starting point tells us when exactly, for a particular peak, the structure began to emerge,.

We can think of these as ‘data stories’. The stories are represented as different channels because they use different statistical methods – or ‘languages’ if you like!

Each channel (story) represents the time course of a specific data pattern mainly in random walks, whereby the degree of an anomaly is computed fully automatically by our patented algorithm. The four  basic patterns we are searching for are the correlated patterns between the two random data streams (both are generating significantly more 0s or 1s at the same time), the anti-correlated pattern (one stream generates significantly more 1s whereas the other generates significantly more 0s), the “stick together” pattern (both are generating the same 0s and 1s at the same time for a significantly long time), and the Pearson correlation of the random numbers.  We speak of an anomaly when the length or height of a pattern passes statistical significance. More metaphorically, we could think that all channels together tell us a data story about the anomalies that are discovered. If the data story matches the mood of the people’s story, we can see directly the non-local action of consciousness reflected in one or more channels.    

Currently, for the connection between Wyrd Light and the App, each second the values are calculated from the random streams and the p-values (probabilities) are sent to the App. There are currently 7 channels used, which search for different patterns in the data. The data of each channel is like a timestamp with a float value giving the probability of an anomaly. Channel 5 is a bit of an exception as it is a Pearson correlation between the random data and behaves differently then the others and therefore is represented differently in the data, but still timestamp – value pairs.

Yes. Whether you have the Wyrd software or not, you can export the data.

Total capacity is 60GB. It’ll last for years (unless you record non-stop audio). There is a memory indicator so you can see if it is filling up. You can always copy the data onto your computer and delete it off the Wyrdoscope.

The raw data is stored on the Wyrdoscope in normal CSV files in 2 formats: 1. as the bit stream itself (200 bit as 1 or 0) for entropy analysis etc, and 2. as we need the count of 1s, it is also stored as the bit sum of the 1s in the stream as a signed integer.

The current software goes up to a few 1000 bits/sec, since it focuses a lot on synchronicity of the bitstreams which requires quite a high overhead. We are working on a next version, which could theoretically address the full speed of the TrueRNGs, which would be about 3.2 Mbit/sec.

It functions well outdoors as well but I’d avoid too much rain.

The REGs are temperature and voltage stabilized, each of the two noise generators per REG are shielded against electromagnetic waves. The two streams from the two noise generators are then noise whitened to eliminate any bias, which gives the output of one REG.

For heat and cold, the normal conditions for most electronic devices apply. Light, high intensity electric fields and magnets will not do anything to the REGs. The Raspberry Pi would be affected before the REGs.

High frequency gamma radiation pulses could penetrate the shielding and knock off electrons from the zener diode in the noise generators and disturb the electronics, but the Raspberry Pi would glitch before that anyway. 

The REG information can be found here:

The Raspberry Pi is a consumer grade product and its data sheet is here:

It is designed for a temperature range of 0-50 °C. In practice the temperature range seems to be larger as a Pi was once tested at failing at -100°C.

So in short: the REGs will fail after the Pi. It’s not an industrial, military or space grade product.

No, each REG has 2 quantum random chips on its board. These two streams are whitened, and the result is then the output of one REG. One REG then produces the Alice file and the other one the Bob file. So basically, it is two random streams per file. 

It is a normal whitening procedure, which increases the entropy of the randomness as required e.g. for quantum cryptography. The REGs can be switched to raw mode, which disables the whitening and just delivers the random stream directly from the chips. Of course, then bias effects can happen. 

We did some blind tests with and without the whitening and the effects without whitening are a bit higher (we get higher peaks in the Wyrdoscope). It is a bit double: it would be actually in line with the theory we use (the Model of Pragmatic Information), as the bias (a classical effect) would mutually enhance and stabilize the correlation (the entanglement). On the other hand, when bias is possible then hardcore critics of course will say that we are measuring something different than we think.

In the upcoming software version, there will be a config switch to turn off the whitening and switch the REGs to raw mode, so effectively both can be used. We will be doing some experiments with that in the future.

No, nothing really. It’s pretty solid tech and no safety risks we have encountered so far. It has a fan to avoid overheating.