Spread the Light
Consciousness technology has arrived. The Wyrd Light is the first of its generation: light that directly reflects the consciousness of its surroundings. Remind yourself daily of the interconnectedness of all life.
Imagine seeing your mind and heart – your thoughts, emotions, intentions – mirrored back to you, in real time. Imagine seeing the collective minds and hearts in a room, working together, reflected in glow…
Welcome to Wyrd Light!
Early feedback
“Oh my word! This is unbelievable! Just mind-blowing!”
“A whole new era is unfolding before our very eyes”
“At last, science and consciousness meet”
“This is the birth of a whole new industry – consciousness technology”
“The most exciting breakthrough in technology for decades”
“Where mind meets matter – get into training now!”
How can I use the Wyrd Light?
Enlighten your meetings

Put a Light on your meeting room table and get instant feedback on your team’s coherence. Notice what enhances the lamp and what dims it.
For understanding the body we have bio-feedback. For understanding our groups we now have socio-feedback. Discover how your collective experiences are reflected in your field.
Learn how to come into maximum flow with each other, where insight, synchronicity and performance come naturally.
Make your decisions when your Light glows brightest – that’s when our data suggests you are accessing your collective coherence. In that state, solutions can emerge beyond what any individual can come up with on their own.
Enchant your retreat centre

Wow your clients as your Wyrd Light responds to the energy they feel in the room.
Ground your practice in the science of consciousness.
Play with different activities and interventions and witness the effects.
Show people directly how their inner state impacts the world around them.
Train yourself

Although Wyrd Technologies has so far primarily focused on researching the impacts of collective consciousness, there is much anecdotal evidence and theoretical expectation that the Light also responds to individual intention.
You can use Wyrd Light as part of that research. Explore how shifts in your inner state affect your Light. Share that with other Wyrdos in the community platform and see what conclusions you can draw.
Be part of simple citizen scientist research projects organised by Wyrd Research and help co-create the science of the future. You’ll be training your consciousness ‘muscle’ at the same time. And why not invite some friends over and try it together? Watch it blow their minds!
How to connect to your Wyrd Light
Curiosity, not control
Consciousness is a funny thing. The harder we try to affect it, the less successful we are. The keys to manifestation are curiosity, openness and playfulness. The source is more the heart than the mind. The heart connects and the mind directs.
- Brightness of Light responds to the intensity of the field and connection
- Different colours reflect different effects
- Can be run on mains or battery (rechargeable, lasts 3 hours)
- Detachable and exchangeable shades, easy to clean
- Beautiful walnut or oak wood topped bases
- Soon able to be connected to the Wyrd app for live data and insights, and
- Adjustable mode – Wow (for showing off) or Mellow (for meetings and retreats)
- Export your Light’s data and analyse in detail with the Wyrd Software Suite (extra option – £199)
Sustainably Produced for Future Generations
Wyrd Technologies exists to promote a world that honours our interconnectedness with all life.
Wyrd Light is 3D printed with recycled plastic. Where wood is used, it is made from recycled wood shavings. Light has a sustainable cork base. The 3D printers and production facilities run off solar power. Production is local at Skipton, Yorkshire, UK.

Connect your Wyrd Light to the Wyrd App

- Adjust your Light’s mode: Wow or Mellow
- Adjust your Light’s response speed: 5 different settings
- See your Light’s data unfold in realtime in Art or Science view
- Save and review the data of past runs of your lamp
- Meet other Wyrdos and exchange experiences and tips
- Find Wyrdos near you and join local Wyrdo groups
- Discover resources to help you understand your experience and increase your effect
- Connect with other people’s Light (when you get really good)

The patented Wyrd software suite enables you to dive deep into the scientific analysis of your Light’s performance. Discover patterns in the data connected to your experience while your Light was running.
Become a citizen scientist of consciousness and share with others researchers out there. There is so much we still don’t understand about consciousness. We can all be explorers now! Who knows what you’ll discover?
The software suite license costs £199.
Create a Custom Wyrd Light for your Organisation or Community
If you can imagine it, then we can create it!
A unique Light designed especially for you and your organisation or community.
Bring on the magic!
What do we know about how the Light works?
What we know and have scientific evidence for
Our research has shown that the technology that drives the Light responds to strong group experiences, such as when the individuals come into synch, flow or harmony with each other, acting more in unity. It is derived from the technology that runs our Wyrdoscope® scientific research device. We have also seen that it responds to the moment of dying (with a z-score of 7.2, so 7.2 standard deviations away from the average). For comparison, the z-score score for the Higgs boson discovery that science now accepts is 7.0.
How do I know the Light isn’t just behaving randomly?
When not much is going on where the Light is, you can expect it to wander between colours and remain dim. Understanding what seems to make your Light glow brighter and turn different colours is a process of exploration and discovery.
Notice what is happening at moments where it suddenly changes colour, or if it builds towards increasing brightness, or stays stable in one colour for a long period. The brighter the Light, the smaller the probability that it is happening by chance. The key is to stay curious and open-minded. You can share your discoveries with the community and see what others are experiencing too.
What we have anecdotal evidence of
Many people start playing around with the Wyrd Light when they get one. Some manage to make the Light turn the colour they want. Others say it changes as different people speak or enter the room. Others find it responds differently in different kinds of spaces. We have not done the formal research so cannot say anything with certainty about those possibilities.
As more people play with their Lights we will be offering simple research activities with a standard protocol so we can gather and review the experiences and data. You can join other Wyrdos in the online community to see their experiences and share yours.
What we suspect but can’t prove - yet
The different colours of the Light reflect different data structures. We suspect that those data structures reflect different qualities in the consciousness field. We don’t yet know what those qualities are but are carrying out our own research and gathering data from other Wyrdos to see if we can discern some patterns.
We suspect that it is indeed possible to have the Light change to a certain quality. It may be when you hold a certain colour in mind and connect to the Light that you entangle a certain frequency, or informational ID related to that colour, which is reflected in the data and resonates as the colour of the Light. This is all purely speculation at this point but would echo ancient wisdom teachings.
“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul.” Hermes Trismegistus